Sunday, February 10, 2008

i am SUCH a bad girl

no, not that kind. get your mind out of the gutter. (honestly, i didn't even realize what that sounded like until i re-read it ... and then i thought it was funny, so i left it!)

what i mean is, i don't know how to be a girly-girl. sure, i wear make-up and like to straighten my hair and even wear a cute skirt on occasion. but ... i know, i know, i'm a disgrace to all womanhood ... i don't really care for valentine's day.

sure, it's nice to feel appreciated and loved, but keaton makes me feel like that everyday. and i ALWAYS forget about important holidays like valentine's day and anniversaries. birthdays, no problem, i can remember numbers. but sweet little celebrations like that, and my brain just can't seem to get it. keaton ALWAYS has to remind me.

just the other day we were talking on the phone and he said, "hey, i got you something today!" i cooed "aww, how sweet! what for? cause i'm wonderful?" and he said "well yes ... and for valentine's day."

my heart plummeted, my stomach started churning, and i broke out into a cold sweat because, while i couldn't remember the date on which this wonderful day falls, i knew i had not planned for it. well, i didn't really have those symptoms. because i don't really get into all that stuff, but it made for a dramatic effect. all i could think was "crud ... i forgot again ..."

i've never actually forgotten to GET him something for vday, anniversary, etc. but i always have to be reminded, it's sometimes late, and i always have to pay the price! last year, the day before st. patrick's day (which is our anniversary) i was scouring the internet at 11:30 pm looking for a place that would deliver balloons the very next day. and i had to pay a hefty last-minute fee or whatever they called it. it really doesn't pay to be so forgetful. and i think last year, even though i sent him something for v-day, like 4 days before the big day, it didn't even get there until 2 days after ... stupid postal service. so technically, i guess that doesn't count as being a good girlfriend on valentine's day.

now, for most couples, this wouldn't really be an issue. because my guy would never have to remember important dates and would never get in trouble for forgetting a card or a special note to celebrate such-and-such that most women go ga-ga over. but the trouble is ... i think keaton actually LIKES these holidays. it's weird, like that particular "celebration" gene was switched in us. i think he cares more about those holidays than i do, so I'M the one who gets in trouble and feels bad for forgetting! i'm such a man when it comes to stuff like this. who would've thought that the man i'd fall in love with would be the one man on earth who actually DOES remember the important stuff?!? i know, i know, i'm lucky to have a romantic guy, but it sure does put a lot of pressure on me ... lol

in a way i kind of feel sorry for the guy. he probably feels like he puts forth more effort than i do ... and you know, he's probably right. and it really can't be easy for him. as if all you women out there didn't hate me enough by now, i will now admit something even worse ... i don't really like chocolate. it just doesn't appeal to me the way skittles or starburst do. so keaton can't even get me the typical valentine's day gift! he really has to think outside the box for a gift for me ... AND he has to remind me what holidays are coming up so i remember to get HIM something. i am so pathetic.

well this year, thank goodness, keaton reminded me in plenty of time. i actually went shopping the day he told me and picked up a few things to send him for the silly day of love. hopefully, they will go in the mail tomorrow, if i have time to run to the post office between classes and work. otherwise, it'll go out tomorrow and be late ... again.

valentine's day IS the 14th, right?

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