Monday, February 11, 2008

from the mouths of babes ...

i babysat for this family sunday night whose kids i absolutely LOVE! they have 4 boys, which is exactly what i want to have, and every time i am there i am reminded why i love little boys so much.

the youngest two (5 and 6) were playing a star wars game on wii and all of a sudden a bunch of droids (i think that's what they were ... i'm not really sure) came out of nowhere and began attacking. the two boys were on the "good guy" team and had to fight them off. when the huge crowd of enemies began to rush them, the six-year-old started saying "oh no! stampede! stampede!"

the youngest, not entirely able to understand his brother's excited shoutings joined in:
"yeah! i stand to pee, too! i stand to pee!"

boys ... gotta love 'em!

i always learn so much from these boys when i am there. sure, they are energetic and crazy and sometimes a bit ornery, but they are the sweetest kids, and i love seeing their hearts. the youngest is probably the most honest little kid i'ver met in my life. we were playing "dead man's grave" on the trampoline. one person lays in the middle with their eyes closed and everyone else jumps around them. then the one in the middle has to move around with their eyes closed until they tag someone to become the new "dead man".

you know this type of game. the one that, when you were younger, you would always try to play correctly, without cheating. you would close your eyes as tightly as you could but then, after about 30 seconds of not being able to find anyone, your eyes would start opening ever so slightly, just squinting, so you could make out shapes and be able to tag someone. i think everyone's done it, squinted their eyes during an "eyes closed" game in order to tag someone. everyone, that is, except this little boy.

he NEVER opens his eyes, even a little bit. he would rather run around for 5 minutes without being able to tag anyone than cheat. sure, he gets a little frustutrated, but never so much that i've seen him cheat at this game. i wish i always played by the rules as much as he does.

and the oldest one, he has soo much patience when it comes to getting homework done. sure, it doesn't help that he wasn't allowed to play his "pirates of the caribbean" game on the computer until it was done. but still. he had been sick for two weeks and out of school, so he had TONS of make up work to do. he was down to the last few assignments and trust me, this was NOT fun homework! i do not want to go back to 4th grade! it was really challenging stuff.

but even though his brothers were all playing and having fun in the next room, he just sat there and focused until everything was done. man, if i could only do that with my homework ...

the next to oldest boy is soo creative. they have a set of those colored magnet shapes and he's always creating new stuff with them. it is so great to see his mind at work. i can tell the wheels are always turning in his head.

and the next to youngest, he has the cutest voice ever. and he is so sweet, he always lets the little one tag along on whatever he's doing. most big brothers would get annoyed by little brother always trying to do what they're doing. but not this guy. he always patiently explains stuff and helps the youngest try stuff out.

i love working with children. it is so great to be able to see their little personalities show through and the differences in the way they think about things. it is exhillerating to me to see their minds at work. God made them each unique and their hearts are so beautiful. i love getting to be a part of their lives and i can't wait to see the men they are becoming!

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