Tuesday, May 27, 2008


i love having a sister. especially since we are so close in age. amber was only 18 months old whenever i was born -- so we were built-in best friends!!

i remember one time, we were at a church camp or something and playing a game with a group. now that i think about it, it was a really silly game ... but at the time it seemed fun .... anyway, someone would call out something they have NEVER done (ie: i have never played soccer) and everyone who HAD done that thing would get up and move to the next chair.

well, someone eventually called out "i have never wet the bed". in case you don't know, i was a bedwetter until i was like 10 or something like that. i was (and still am) a really hard sleeper and i wet the bed for a veerrry long time. so when the person called that out, i froze. of course i couldn't lie about it ... but i didn't want to be the only one who moved.

well, wouldn't you know, my sister stood up and said "actually, i think EVERYONE has wet the bed at some point in their lives .... i mean, everybody did when they were babies, at least" and she moved to the next chair. a lot of people got up and moved after that and i remember feeling so happy and grateful. i know she did that just for me.

thanks, amber. sorry i never thanked you for that before now. but i do appreciate it. i like knowing that, no matter what, you've got my back. and i've got yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i totally don't remember this happening. ever. but you're welcome =)