Thursday, March 13, 2008

thirteen on thursday

just some random thoughts ...

13. happy birthday amber!!! my sister is 21 today! yay!

12. does anyone else just randomly look at people's blogs? i feel like a creeper, but i admit that i do it. i guess that's what you are "supposed" to do in the blogging world ... but it still feels weird. am i supposed to comment on blogs that i look at? so they at least KNOW that i am looking? or just sit quietly back and look? i don't know proper blog etiquette.

11. i cannot STAND wearing panty hose. they make me feel gross. and, without fail, two things always always always happen. 1) i get a run in them and 2) they make me get the goosebumps and then shaving my legs was pointless.

10. did you know that febreeze has a new product line that hampton uses exclusively? every hampton inn across the world uses this new febreeze product in their rooms, and it is the only scent-type product we can use. however, most of the guests do not care for it. we have had more complaints about allergic reactions and the smell of rooms since we started using this new product than we ever had before. this is one move hampton made that was not very smart ...

9. i had never heard of this before, but apparently singers sometimes get calluses on their LUNGS!! ouch!!

8. i think some of the best food in the world comes from outback steakhouse. it smells good, it looks good, and it definitely tastes good. so now my question is ... why does it cost so much?!? i would eat there every day if it weren't so expensive.

7. i don't think i have used an iron and ironing board of my own free will EVER in my entire life. i believe my mom had me iron some of my things when they were really wrinkled when i was growing up. but i have never gotten the iron out myself because i think my clothes are wrinkled. you want to know the truth? i don't even care. i hardly ever notice if my clothes are wrinkled, and if i do, it really doesn't bother me. my mother would kill me if she knew that, but i hate to iron.

6. i really really want to learn to be a really really good cook. i can make a few things, and i can read so i know i am capable of making any recipe. and the thing is, i LOVE to cook! i like having recipies as guidelines, but then changing things and coming up with different twists on my own. even when things don't turn out great, i still love cooking! and i want to become really good at it. i can't wait to shop and plan and prepare meals for my own family one day!

5. y'all, i need a haircut soo badly! my hair grows entirely too quickly. i don't even get it cut that often (as in trims) because that keeps it healthy and makes it grow faster, and goodness knows i don't need that!! i'm ready to chop it all off. i guess the good thing is that i can donate lots of curls to locks of love to make big, thick wigs for someone who can't grow hair right now.

4. i want to go to a water park so bad! they are soo much fun! i think disney has some of the best ones. they have really cool themes and everything.

3. i HATE to get ketchup on my hands. i absolutely freak out. i think it stinks and it makes my hands feel all sticky. grossness. i like to eat ketchup on things, but to get it on my hands is seriously disgusting.

2. i'm soo glad it's baseball season! it is my favorite sport EVER!! especially the boston red sox. i can't wait to see how this season will go!

1. i think the cutest name in the whole entire world is jackson. and mackenzie for a girl. i don't know why, but i have always loved those. jackson is my favorite ever. jack for short.

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